Read All About it!!!

Well hello there!  Yesterday, was a busy day (I got a haircut, took my wife to work, had a follow up appointment with my psychiatrist, TOOK A SHOWER, and cleaned the kitchen….a little) all distracting me from receiving my results of my CT Scan that I had the other day.  Now if you understand anything at all about a sickness and doing things, days like this is pretty far an in between.  My appointment with the orthopedic surgeon was at 1:45, even though I got there at 1:15pm.  I wonder if they could tell I was nervous and yelling inside.

The last time I saw the doctor he had some concerns of me having frozen shoulder, or possible a tear in my rotary cuff.  They already knew how I got it.  They suggest that when I was laying in the coma for two weeks that someone may have turned me the wrong way for a period of time.  I understand it is hard to know if they turn people the wrong way especially if the patient can not vocalize that to you.

The physician assistance escorted me down a long hallway like I was a prisoner being led back to my cell and pointed to a room to call into.  I am not one to criticize much but I do not like him at all.  When we got in the room, the smell of a doctor’s office, started to fill my senses.  You know what I am talking about.  The assistant then was bringing up my CT scan images on the computer in front of me.  He said that there were over 500 images and it could take a while.  Wait, are you telling me that the Dr. hasn’t even seen these yet and he is going to wing it when he is talking to me.  I started to feel more and more insecure.

The doctor walks in the room with his typical mundane self.  He smiled, said hi, and shook my hand (thanks for the pain shooting up my arm Dr), he then turned his focus on my gorgeous body on the computer screen.  My bones did not do me justice I thought.  After about to minutes of him going hmmmm, I see…..good…..hmmmmm….., he looked at me and said well good news is that you do not have a tear in the rotary cuff, or a frozen shoulder.  However, (I knew something negative was coming so I placed on my seatbelt) you do have calcification on top of your rotary cuff which is causing the amount of pain that you have.  Take a look at the image below (this is not my actual picture).


Do you see the bright white spot on top of the ball that kinda looks like a piece of chewing gum?  That is Calcific tendonitis refers to a build-up of calcium in the rotator cuff (calcific … It is one of the worst pains in the shoulder).  The other worse pain is frozen shoulder, which I indicated he ruled out.  He also stated that I have adhesive capsulitis, which in English terms, means a painful, stiff shoulder.

What can I do to treat this issue?

  1. Have surgery and remove the calcification (which the doctor does not recommend, as he believes patients have worse pain after doing this)
  2. Knock me out and he will place my shoulder in place while inserting two cordone shots in my arm.  Once I wake up I will then have to work with a physical therapist for two to three hours that day to get my range of motion back.  This is not guarantee to work but could be safer then option 1.
  3. Get a cortisone shot in the office today and give it more time.

Any guess which one I choose?  Yep, 3 and got the hell out of there for now…..



I will be talking about the fun topic of anxiety, depression, and PTSD.  Stay tunned!



  1. Look into taking Magnesium. Majority of people are magnesium deficient. Magnesium is useful in preventing unwanted calcification. I know…I had them in my breasts and now they’re gone. I take a product called Calm (powder and mix it in water) or you can take epsom salt baths. Best of luck.

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    • well they said to expect pain and soreness for 3 days and then I have to start PT to get it moving again. I also have to use ice and have some pain mediation if it gets too much. I had one shot before and felt that it didnt work that well but now he had an exact place to go so hopefully he hit it right on. -Bruce

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    • Yeah but this pain is nuts. I just want everything to go away. If you read my very first post below you will know what I am talking about. Sorry to vent just a rough day as my 1 year is coming up. -Bruce

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      • I did go back to read several of your posts to understand what was happening. That was pretty damn scary. Your writing is gripping. I wanted to know what happened next. Hope the cat was ok as that seemed to be a real concern for you while you were on the verge of death. 🙂


      • My cat is fine. I just wanted what I couldnt have in the hospital of course. She was someone who I can hug and hear her purrrrrrrr. I was so glad when I walked in the door after a month and saw her again.

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